Dating men For serious Relationships

But for some reason, this Is not the case

Dating with men, women of Holland via the Internet, like Many other services in the Industry, has long been in Our livesYou can hear many stories About about how meeting online Helped you find a kindred Spirit and start a family In the future, but there Is another trend. According to statistics, in the Percentage of divorces will exceed, And the term of marriage Will not exceed a year. An important role when it Comes to compatibility with partners. A landmark Dutch Dating site Will help you find a Truly twin for yourself, a Relationship with which will take The most favorable form. Our site shows a compatibility Rating for each person with You and thus put online Dating for a serious relationship Holland on a new level, And all services on the Site are free. Many women have had periods In their lives when they Really wanted to meet and Meet a good man to Create a strong relationship. Appearance of a beautiful girl: Well-equipped, well-dressed, with Beautiful manners, excellent physical condition. And she sees that men Pay attention to her, but At the same time in An exchange of glances or A brief conversation, she doesn'T move. And why no luck. That's all, now we'Ll discuss it. That is, the internal state Of girls, which is difficult For a man to get Acquainted with. What emotions prevent him from Getting acquainted. Consider that the four main Ones are disgust, contempt, fear And sadness. A girl looks at a Man and in her head There are false judgments about him. She doesn't know yet, But she is already sure That this person may be An alcoholic, and this is A poorly dressed man, a Beggar, and whether it was From anyone. And usually this emotion of Disgust is printed on a Woman's face, and a Man not only sees, but Most often feels her hostile Attitude towards him. For many, it has already Become a habit, and the Evil is difficult to control. This is especially successful, or Self-sufficient, for women. On the face, it usually Manifests itself in the form Of asymmetry of smiles or Facial expressions.

As you know, a person Can't help but notice this.

And all of this, and All of this by no means

This reduces their importance and Puts them in an unequal Position with you.

And neither no normal person Would tolerate such a thing. And if women's fear Concerns men and the role Of a protector is included In them, then something like Inner fear is them, it Just annoys and upsets. For women, this manifests itself In the form of a Voice in the head that Says: do not go with Him, you will be offended Again, it will be like Last time, do not expect Good from him, give it To you, and so on. His, a woman with a Sad face, cross-eyed eyes And the seriousness of a March. The girl's whole appearance Shows that she is still Reeling from a past relationship, And in my head she Had a thought: no one Will be as good as It was with the ex, The other will not care So much about me, and Now he has another and Habits, and his nose is crazy. In fact, all these emotions Are a national manifestation of Isolation and fear of a Woman, they keep her in A kind of quarantine zone. And it's hard to Get out, but very real.

For starters, when you will Appear bad thoughts about not Yet met people or just Met with to him, he Treats me with contempt and Disgust, ask myself, and with What I have decided.

Start to understand what false Judgments are, because they are Not confirmed. You don't know yet. Let's conduct an experiment, Let's call it a Hundred dates, in which you Will begin to recognize yourself And get in touch with Men who score - points on Their -point attractiveness scale.

And you, make sure that Many of them aren't As bad as you thought They were.

And such an experience can Help you learn to know, Without fears, without prejudices, and Draw your conclusions after the Communication, and not before it. And the main rule of This experience, when I went, Is not to build long-Term plans for men, but Just to communicate, and spend Time in their leisure time. And remember that men like Women who are easy and Interesting, and not sadness, contempt And a lot of inner Fears.

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